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Youth Steps Up to Help the Community

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

While many of his peers are focused on work or school, Adi devotes his time to charity work instead.

Adi Syuhada, 24, is one of our longstanding donors who joined us recently on our Care for Single Mothers distribution, where we gave out groceries and financial aid to struggling single mothers in Singapore.

Why I Volunteer

"I myself am a donor, and today I decided to take it one step further."

For Adi, this was the next step on his journey to help give back to the community. Aside from donating, he wanted to take a more active role in providing aid to those who need it. So when he saw that we were looking for volunteers, he jumped at the chance to get some first-hand experience in the field.

Adi's goal is to help as many people as he can, and he's already pledged to join #Global Ehsan Relief on other local volunteering missions. He is also keen to experience volunteer work overseas, eagerly awaiting the time when travel will be possible again. Follow us for more stories about volunteers and their experiences!

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